Thursday, September 9, 2010

Book affair

i have been reading this book...

and i believe i have begun a love affair with books just like the main character, Liesel.

allow me to explain the signs of this affair....

numero uno:
yesterday i was in walmart with my mom and sister buying groceries, make-up, all that jazz.
when we were making our way up to the counter to pay, i stopped by the book section.
you heard me...i STOPPED and LOOKED at the books.  it was spectacular.  

numero dos:
it gets even better...i actually picked out two books that i plan to purchase once i am done reading this book and the last two books of the Hunger Games series.

numero tres:
i look forward to reading...all day, everyday.  and i never want to stop once i have started.

i never thought this would happen.  but i'm glad it did. 
now i just feel like i have been missing out on too much.

does anyone have any favorite books to recommend?
i have some serious catching up to do...