Saturday, October 24, 2009

How I Survived...
This week I was feeling a little down, 
stressed, and worried about things, 
and well...
pretty much felt like jumping off a cliff!
Ok...maybe not, 
but I did at least feel like
eating cookies and ice cream into a 
state of delirium.
But I was saved when  
I found the *NSYNC Christmas CD 
in my glove compartment 
and decided 
it was time to pull it out again.
It IS, after all, the middle of October, 
and I DO have to listen to it at least 
543 times 
before the 25th of December to get my fix!  
Thanks Justin (I will always love you the most, 
and I proudly predicted your solo career 
when I was a young, star-stuck girl...
and I must admi
I had your No-Strings-Attached action figure 
sitting on my dresser), 
and JC (you are my 2nd favorite and the 2nd cutest), 
and the others (who did not quite capture my heart the same). 
Listening to that CD completely 
brightened my mood 
and now I'm ready for 
hot chocolate, 
late nights driving around looking at Christmas lights, 
decorated trees,
fried tortilla snowflakes, 
holiday movies, 
Chinese restaurants,
and pedal bread.
I'm not sure that anything ever will 
replace this CD at Christmas time.    
I know one thing for sure...
it is hands down the most romantic  
Christmas music ever!
When I get married it will come with 
"the package" ...
take it or leave me! :)
P.S. I made it through the week...